22 października 2009

Setlista 21.10.2009

1. Editors - Eat Raw Meat = Blood Drool ("In this Light and on this Evening",2009)
2. The Notwist - Your Signs ("Shrink",1998)
3. The Notwist - Sarajevo 2 ("Storm OST",2009)
4. Archive - Pills ("Controlling Crowds Part IV", 2009)
5. The Flaming Lips - Watching the Planets ("Embroynic", 2009)
6. Kings of Convenience - 24-25 ("Declaration of Dependence",2009)
7. The Heavy - How You Like Me Now ("The House That Dirt Built",2009)
8. Grizzly Bear - Fine for Now ("Veckatimest",2009)
9. Soap&Skin - The Sun ("Lovetune For Vacuum",2009)

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