13 stycznia 2010

Setlista 13.1.2010

1. The Drums - Don't be a Jerk Johnny ("Summertime EP",2009)
2. Kamp! - Cosmological ("Thales One EP",2009)
3. Kamp! - Breaking a Ghost's Heart ("Breaking a Ghost's Heart EP",2009)
4. Delphic - Red Lights ("Acolyte",2010)
5. Jacek Lachowicz - Płyń ("Za morzami",2007)
6. Massive Attack - Paradise Circus ("Heligoland",2010)
7. Hanne Hukkelberg - Blood From a Stone ("Blood From a Stone",2009)
8. Debbie Harry - Lucky Jim ("The Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions Project: We Are Only Riders",2010)
9. Sophia - Something ("There Are No Goodbyes",2009)

Posłuchaj audycji: http://www.sendspace.com/file/w0mwwd

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