20.30 - 21.30
1. The Knife - Pass This On ("Deep Cuts",2003)
2. The Embassy - The Pointer ("Futile Crimes",2002)
3. The Embassy - Just a Dream Away ("Futile Crimes",2002)
4. The Embassy - You Tend to Forget (2009)
5. The New Pornographers - Your Hands (Together) ("Together",2010)
6. Bonobo - The Keeper ("Black Sands",2010)
7. Worm is Green - The Politician ("Glow",2009)
8. Jonsi - Go Do ("Go",2010)
9. Muchy - W Zasięgu Ramion ("Notoryczni Debiutanci",2010)
10. Muchy - Przesilenie ("Notoryczni Debiutanci",2010)
11. Iowa Super Soccer - Suzanne ("Stories Without Happy Ending",2010)
21.30 - 22.30
12. Dick 4 Dick - Wakacje w Hadynowie ("Summer Remains",2010)
13. Digit All Love - Flesh ("V",2010)
14. Franka De Mille - So Long ("Bridge to Roads",2010)
15. The Magic Numbers - Hurt So Good ("The Runaway",2010)
16. Tindersticks - She Rode Me Down ("Falling Down The Mountain",2010)
17. Mew - Silas The Magic Car ("No More Stories..",2009)
18. Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill ("Plastic Beach",2010)
19. Strachy na Lachy - Dziewczyna o chłopięcych sutkach ("Dodekafonia",2010)
20. The Knife - Colouring of Pigeons ("Tomorrow, In a Year",2010)
Posłuchaj audycji: http://www.sendspace.com/file/jmcwas
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